I have a good friend and reader of the blog who can read the stars...well she is Greek and knows a lot about astrology...but since she is Greek and can read Greek (have you ever looked at those characters: ελληνικά...that says Greek) and well that is where astrology comes from so I totally get that she believes. Another friend whose birthday is in the same month as mine sends me our horoscopes sometimes. I like to read those.
Well I am not one to go jumping completely into the astrology pool, but I do get that sometimes I am WAY more productive than others. I feel almost like I have come out of a fog. I wonder where my stars are, is all I am saying.
Today is clear!
I changed jobs at work, and the feng shui of my new desk is awesome. I have window cube with a view of a beautiful alley. I also have a family of birds that I can see! Anyway, the point is that today I:
* finally ordered Erica's graduation gift (see picture above)
* ordered pictures from our wedding photographer for my mother-in-law
* finished the lingering thank you notes (embarrassing that they are so late)
* and got caught up on my homework...
* did I mention I met a good friend for drinks after work?
Wow. I am tired now.
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