
new blog header

So I am in love with etsy. What's etsy you ask? Well it is this "marketplace" for homemade items.


You can find lots of things for sale there, and the prices are great. I got the wedding place cards there and my new blog header! I love it. Alyson at Seventy and Sunny designed it for me. (Click this sentence for her shop.)

Can't wait to hear what everyone thinks!



alyson. said...

it looks great!!!

thanks again! :)

The Hunts said...

I looked at this site briefly when you first mentioned it a while ago. I took a quick peak again tonight and came upon seller "flashframe" and liked her stuff. Her photos reminded me of things you have done and like what I take too. They were fun. I especially liked her his/her shoe photo and think I will try to recreate with Rachel and Cole's shoes for a cute shot.

harkinna said...

Her stuff is super cute Krista...did you go to her blog or flicker site?
Flickr - www.flickr.com/flashframe
Blog - www.jessicaschilling.blogspot.com

Jessica Schilling said...

I just came across these comments through a google alert. Thanks so much for the kind words about my shop. I'm very flattered that you all took a look and had such nice things to say! Thanks!