
TWA: Podcasts

Here is a list of podcasts I love...I would love to hear if you guys have any you want to share.

1. 99% Invisible: this podcast is about the invisible infrastructure all around us. It is short and does
not come out all of the time, but when it shows up, I listen.

2. Radiolab: This one is all about science...and other interesting stuff. If you already listen to podcasts, you know radiolab. If you don't, START HERE.

3. On The Media: This podcast can get a bit snarky and inside the media, but really really great reporting and another one I have not missed in years.

4. To the Best of Our Knowledge: I am not sure what this podcast is about. It usually features a big theme and interviews with authors about books related to the big theme. Sometimes it has a religious bent, which I find interesting.

Listen while you fold laundry or drive. Kids LOVE Radiolab.



This article came out a few weeks ago...but a good friend fell again recently...and really, that is how we are
all most likely to die. So be careful. Great read. Worth sending to your parents.

2. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/03/opinion/diagnosis-human.html?src=me&ref=general&pagewanted=printThis is a MUST READ. Stop with the drugs people. The data shows that most drugs are not effective. (See article from the New YorkReview of Books by the former New England Medical Journal editor. http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2011/jun/23/epidemic-mental-illness-why/?pagination=false)
And we wonder why it is that [children] use drugs with such abandon. As all parents learn — at times to their chagrin — our children go to school not only in the classroom but also at home, and the culture they construct for themselves as teenagers and young adults is but a tiny village  imitating that to which they were introduced as children."

3. http://www.webmd.com/melanoma-skin-cancer/ss/slideshow-skin-lesions-and-cancer?ecd=wnl_can_040213&ctr=wnl-can-040213_ld-stry_1&mb=
Slideshow about warning signs for skin cancer. Worth a look.
This is a lot of reading for you guys...so I will stop here.