
so fun: soda pop video

This video is so much fun. And I can't wait to visit the Soda Pop Stop. Really watch this: inspiring and interesting.

It is located in LA! Laura? Marika? You guys should check it out!
Soda Pop Stop, Inc.
5702 York Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90042
United States

Is there anything you do that you get this excited about?


Unknown said...

I watched the whole thing and I am planning to hit that store soon. Thanks for posting!

harkinna said...

I can't wait to go! :) Let me know what you think...are there any Slovakian sodas?

Unknown said...

Slovak soda is gross!! "Kofola" tastes like carbonated cough syrup with a splash of black licorice. Ewww. Looks like this shop is in Pasadena. We'll check it out one of these weekends.